Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Xena: Season 1, Episode 07: "The Titans"

Good times! All kinds of interesting stuff happening in episode 7. Foremost is the first, technical, blatant piece of subtext that I've encountered. Everything else up 'til this point has been speculation (even though it's true).

SPOILER: My reviews are full of them! I'll try to note when I'm about to spoil the series by posting [SERIES SPOILER] for said item and [END SPOILER] after. Please don't read the review, unless you've seen the episode under discussion or don't care if I spoil it. 

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1) Yes, I think this could be the part where Xena realizes she has feelings for Gabrielle. Gabrielle's had feelings for Xena since "Sins of the Past;" she just hasn’t named them yet.

2) G: “What’s the matter?” X: “Nothing, I just-” G: “-Thought I did something without thinking?” X: “Well, if you did, it’s none of my business.” G: “Yeah, that’s right; it isn’t!” - If a friend of mine acted this way, I might wonder about his or her feelings.

3) Philius: “She’s gone!” X: “She must be trying to prove herself to me.” Dude: “It’s ready.” X: “Good. If the titans caught her, we could be facing thousands by now. On the bright side, if anyone can stall, it’s Gabrielle.” – Xena is so confident about this. It's great. 
4) Hyperion: “It’s the right chant! If said correctly by a virgin, it should release the other titans!” G: “Well, there’s your problem. I’m not a virgin anymore.” Hyperion: “You little harlot.” – I'll admit; this scared even me. And how funny that Hyperion calls Gabrielle a harlot.

5) X: “There’s a piece missing!” G: “'There’s a piece-'…” - Ha!

6) X to G: “Look, the point is, we’re friends, and we shouldn’t let things like that come between us.”

7) X: “Why did you risk your life by going into that cavern alone?” G: “I wanted to make up for what I did, so that you wouldn’t hate me.” X: “For your information, I could never hate you. Your heart’s always in the right place.” – Awww…

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