Sunday, February 12, 2012

Xena: Season 1 Box Set Detail

Pics of Season 1 DVDs and casing. 

I've never liked that DVD producers put pictures of stuff that happens on the casing and in the interactive menu, because what if you've never seen the god damn show before? I personally don't like for anything - TV show, movie, or play - to be revealed or spoiled in any way before I've seen it. I like to go into it completely blind. In this case, I've already seen the whole show, so it doesn't bother me so much. I just feel bad for all the newbies. If you're new to this show, don't look at this, all right? Get out of here.

The front.

The back.

The discs inside all feature the same picture, except for the Extras CD to the right.

Inside (left) without discs.

Inside (right) without discs.
I really love all these pictures, but again, one of these scenes is particularly critical to Season 1, I think. Such a shame for a person who's never seen the show to see that image without experiencing the episode first.

The back completely folded out.

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