Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Xena: Season 2, Episode 02: "Remember Nothing"

I remember everything from "Remember Nothing." But first, good news, everyone! Due to a clerical error, I am no longer facing eviction. Again, I am not to be ousted as previously feared. Thank god, because, seriously, that would've put a damper in my 2012 Xena viewing experience.

Episode 2 is a doozie, y'all. A favorite. I love twisted shit like this. How brilliant to show us what Xena's and Gabrielle's lives would've been like if Xena had simply taken a more peaceful route? 

We can't not be who we are, folks, or this is what will happen to you: your best friend will turn into a sex slave and hate you, your mom will die, bad people will terrorize you and yours, you'll be engaged to Maphias, you'll end up wearing a dress from the future, and you can't kill anybody.

I liked Aaron Devitt as Lyceus and could believe that he and Xena were related. He's adorable and, coincidentally, the essence of goodness, kind of like Gabrielle; a similarity that wasn't lost on me. He reminds me of my own younger brother, who is also very fun, light-hearted, brave, and forgiving. The fact that Xena and Lyceus sparred a lot also reminds me of my brother, as we used to tie up on the floor and wrestle until we pissed each other off.

About Xena and Gabrielle's relationship, this episode speaks volumes. It's proof that Xena and Gabrielle bring out the best in each other when together. They're good for each other, which is true of all meaningful relationships. 

The ending is potent and the message, so strong. Xena sees Gabrielle kill, yet ironically, in this reality Xena can’t kill. It’s one way or the other for these two, and Xena makes the ultimate decision to let the burden fall upon herself to protect them. She kills for Gabrielle. She’s always killed for Gabrielle. When I think of killing someone, what must the circumstances be? Only for someone I love.

I wasn’t planning on breaching the subject of Xena fan fiction until I finished watching the series, but recently I read the most beautiful piece based off of this very episode. It's one of my favorites. Click here to check it out.

SPOILERS: My reviews are full of them! I'll try to note when I'm about to spoil the series by posting [SERIES SPOILER] before said item and [END SPOILER] after. Please don't read the review, unless you've seen the episode under discussion or don't care if I spoil it. 

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1) The music and the women we hear singing in Amphipolis only occur in Amphipolis, so far as I’ve noticed.

2) L: “No one challenged the warlord who started things with them and the Centaurs and now where are they? Dead, mostly, or enslaved by the same scum who tricked them. What was his name? Cretan. No, Crouton.” X: “Krykus.” – I love this. Lyceus is oblivious as Xena allows her other life to flare. She knows exactly who Krykus is. He killed Terreis!

3) Toxeus to Gabrielle: “Come on, you worthless slag.” – Pretty sure he said "slag." I was waiting for Xena to say to Maphias, “Hold my shit.” 

4) L: “Sure, and what could you have done? Fought Cortese yourself? On second thought, that might have been something to see." - This is so cute. 

5) X: “Mother, I never meant for this to happen. I just wanted that boy’s life back. And now, I’ve got another chance at life, too. So, I’m gonna take it. The hardest thing is losing you and Gabrielle. But it makes it easier just knowing that in this life, I never shamed you. And Gabrielle never left her family, and I never led Lyceus to die in battle. And I know that’s what you would have wanted. It’s like Xena, Warrior Princess, never existed. But the world’s a better place without her.” – This is intense and heartbreaking. Good writing.

6) M: “Quick thinking.” X: “Thanks.” M: “Guess you’ll be doing quite a lot of that.” – The Maiden. What a little bitch.

7) X: “Oh, Gabrielle, I’m so sorry.” G: “How do you know my name? Who are you?” X: “My name is Xena. I just want to help you.” – This is so good. Love the way they speak to each other, say these lines.
8) G: "I know what you said about wanting to help me, but if there’s one thing I’ve learned, it’s that you can’t trust anyone." – She sounds like she almost cries at the last word.

9) X: “When I look at you, I see.. the purest, the kindest person I’ve ever known. Someone who’s full of wonder, and- and stories, and would never give up on anything.. or anyone.” G: “Then you better look again. It’s not me.” – Yes, it is, whore! So much dialogue takes place where Xena is speaking literally and Gabrielle just has no idea. Great tension-builder.

10) L: “I’d rather die fighting these bastards, then live with myself if I don’t.” – So true. He’s right. And he totally died because of this.

11) X: “Do you think the Fates have our lives planned out?” G: “If they do, I wish they’d tell us.” - Very thought-provoking topic raised right there at the end.
Some chick and a dude doing Capoeira together. Cut to 1:00 to see the moves.

Mama Rose in Gypsy. Here she is, boys: 0:34.

The Maiden and Suzanne Vega are one in the same, voice-wise:

In Bjork's "Venus As A Boy" video, her makeup rivals that of The Maiden's. 

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