"The Crusader, Pt. 2"
Just an understated, great episode. I always love Najara's appearances. And seriously begs the question: who’s the convert? Or at least I'm begging it. It might be obvious to you. Shut up.
SPOILERS: My reviews are full of them! I'll try to note when I'm about to spoil the series by posting [SERIES SPOILER] before said item and [END SPOILER] after. Please don't read the review, unless you've seen the episode under discussion or don't care if I spoil it.
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1) X: "Hmm. Joxer's still pretty cut up about Kryton. Think you can talk to him?" G: "I don't know what to say. I keep remembering the first time that I killed. I know it's strange, but it still hurts." X: "Stranger if it didn't." G: "I'll try. Xena you'll never guess who's been teaching Najara the path of nonviolence Eli. It's amazing. He is living proof that peace really works. Are you asleep?"
2) X: "New outfit, new religion, same old wacko underneath."
3) Joxer: "Look, give me one good reason to tell him why his father was a murderer and would've killed ya if I hadn't 'a stopped him." X: "Because it's the truth." – I love Xena.
4) G: "Najara, I think what you're doing is wonderful giving up fighting, working through peace and starting a hospice would be good for you, but it's not for me. My place is with Xena." Naj: "I know and it always will be until her continuing violence finally makes her do something even you can't excuse." G: "That's not going to happen." Naj: "It has to. And then you will have to choose not between me and Xena but between Xena and your own soul." – Got damn, Najara!
5) G: "I've been thinking. I know there's no excuse for what Najara did." X: "Sure, there is. She's a nut." G: "That was before she met Eli. He showed her the truth. Now, all she wants to do is heal people help them you know? Give them hope." X: "Are you saying that we shouldn't take Najara back to prison?" G: "I just don't see the point if she's already reformed. Isn't it better to have peaceful people around who do good rather than people who fight?" X: "Like me." G: "No, I'm not saying that. Xena, you're trying to find your true way your path. Well, so is Najara." X: "Najara doesn't have a path. She follows whatever path her voices tell her to. You don't believe me? Test her. Say no to her. She'll blow up in your face." G: "You have hardly spoken to her!-" X: "-Say no! I don't have to! I'm sure that she says all the right things. I'm sure she even believes them, but she's a fanatic, Gabrielle. Don't trust her." – Dude, this whole conversation is awesome. Xena is so scary here. Scary isn’t the right word, but she never talks like this, and it’s like if you don’t listen to her, you’re doing to die and/or lose your relationship.
6) Joxer with dinner in his hands: "I hate this." G: "I've cooked better." X: "You said it." Joxer: "Not the food, this thing with Armon." – Hahhahaha! Oh my god. I fucking love aaaall the bad cooking jokes. And this one was so unexpected.
7) Joxer: "It's a lie, you know. My whole life. I'm not a warrior. What kind of warrior kills somebody then has nightmares about it every night?" X: "You're not alone in feeling guilty, Joxer. It's only natural." Joxer: "That's it, though. That's my point. It's not natural. I killed somebody, so you know what that makes me?" – Care to answer that? Because I don't know.
8) X: "Give it up, Armon." – Love the sexy way Xena says this.
1) G: "And what have you been doing?" Najara: "Planting crops, helping harvest, mending clothes working towards the day the Jinn said would come: the day you and I would meet again, united in a common bond not even Xena shares." G: "The Jinn said that?" Najara: "We walk the same path, Gabrielle. Our lives are dedicated to defeating evil by promoting peace. It's our way, the way Eli taught us, a reverence for life. Stray from that path - whatever the reason - the consequences could be devastating for everyone." – Najara doing a real headjob on Gabrielle. It's awesome. Love this episode. And this is Najara saying that she and Gabrielle are soulmates.
2) Najara to Gabrielle: "Xena's just being true to her way, but if she thinks I'm going anywhere, now that I've found you and our path, she's crazy." – Now that I've FOUND you? Fuuuuck.
3) Najara to Xena: "You claim to have changed. Why can't I? After all, we both had the same inspiration: Gabrielle. But unlike you, I've changed my whole life for her. You've just changed sides." X: "You hurt Gabrielle, and I will change you in ways that are anything but peaceful." – Brazen as fuck move on Gabrielle right to Gabrielle's girlfriend's face.
4) Joxer: "Why, Najara? Why did you tell him?" Najara: "Because Gabrielle's right and everyone deserves to know the truth about someone they love." – This is a dig at Xena. Najara is just gunning hard for Gabrielle, pulling out all the stops. And how awkward this must be for Xena and Gabrielle, if we're assuming they haven't professed their love for each other yet, in that troubling "soul AND BODY" way.
5) G: "We can't leave Armon." X: "He left us thanks to your little friend." – Ha-ho! Xena is jealous of Najara.
6) X: "I know her. She's the same zealot she always was only now she's even more dangerous." G: "How is that?" X: "'Cause she's won you over." – Translation: "Because you've fallen for her and will do anything she says."
7) X: "You've changed in ways that have shown me choices I'd never have known without you." G: "Thanks. It's funny, it seems that when push comes to shove, sometimes the only choice is to shove back. But with this path that I'm on, I can't do that." X: "With me around, you won't have to.” – I'm your night in shining armor, and you're my damsel.
This episode was so original, it didn't remind me of anything obvious. So instead, let's cut to a great song I was listening to the day I watched it, which was Nite Jewel's "The Answer":
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