Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Xena: Season 2, Episode 06: "Warrior... Princess... Tramp"

“Yes, three women who look so much alike, and yet inside, so different.
One’s a warrior, and one’s a princess... one’s a tramp.” – Meg

What a leap! It’s a pretty daring series, indeed, to go directly from “Return of Callisto” to Meg. Look out; this ep is hilare.

SPOILERS: My reviews are full of them! I'll try to note when I'm about to spoil the series by posting [SERIES SPOILER] before said item and [END SPOILER] after. Please don't read the review, unless you've seen the episode under discussion or don't care if I spoil it. 

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1) M/X: "I want you to meet Agis, uh- He was once the advisor to King Cabnis of Thebes. I trust him completely." - The way she said this nearly had me in tears. 

2) M: “That the irritating blonde? I can’t see how Xena can put up with her." - Is this the first time we hear the exact phrasing "irritating blonde?" It really sticks. 

3) G: “Big-mouthed idiot. Maybe it’s a code. Maybe it means something. Maybe, I’m gonna kill her." - I don't know about you, but I loved Gabrielle in the dungeon. She funny!

4) Xena to the bartender just as Agi's henchmen enter the bar: “Give me something strong.” – We all know what’s coming.

5) Guard: “Are you all right?” M/X: “Yes. I was, ah- I was just practicing my new punch.” - I can not get enough of Meg.

6) J: “Listen, Xena, I’ve been thinking a lot about something Gabrielle said to me.” M/X: “What did that little brat say?” - I secretly love this scene and have decided to out myself.

7) M/D to Joxer who's apologizing for grabbing her ass: “Oh, of course. It was just an honest mistake.” – The way she says this is the funniest gd thing I’ve ever heard. LL is a genius.

8) Agis says this to Meg while Xena and Joxer hide behind a curtain: “Try staying away from that clown, Joxer.” - Joxer is offended, then Meg says: “I think he’s cute.” – Joxer gloats and Xena glares at him. Hilarious.

9) G: “I know what the plan is: You’re trying to drive me insane!” - If you really think about it, this is the only logical conclusion Gabrielle could draw.

10) J: “Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. How am I supposed to know who the real Diana is?” X: “Well, if you come across a woman, and she looks exactly like me, and she displays any interest in you whatsoever as a man, that’s the bad one.” J: “She is bad. Real bad.” - YES!!

11) X/M: “No, but if I have to listen to you two blabber any more, somebody’s gonna end up seriously dead." - That's funny

12) J: “That’s OK. I’ve been keeping an eye out for you for the fake Diana.” X: “Her name’s Meg.” J: “Meg, huh? That’s a pretty name.” X: “You’re not falling for her, are you?” J: “Well, I’ve seen a different side of her.” X: “I bet you have.”- THAT's funny.

13) M: “Get out of my way.” G: “Over my dead body.” – Kind of cool that Gabrielle says this.

14) J: "I brought your sword.” X: “Come on, idiot!" - Xena says this like it's not a joke at all, which makes it all the better. 

15) KL: “You’re not my daughter, are you?” M: “Not officially.” KL: “You’re not Xena, either.” M: “No.” KL: “Amazing.” – King Lias is all about the look-alikes.

16) This whole thing is just too good. Xena pokes such fun at the chakram in the comedies. D/X: “Anyone who tries to stop me is going to eat my sword. Oh! But wait! I still have my round killing thing.” Henchman: “It’s Diana!” Now it's Meg's turn: M/X: “Hold it, right there! In the blink of an eye I can split the skull of anyone who moves with my trusty shamrock.” A: “Grab her; it’s Meg!” Then Xena appears: “Guess which one I am.” - So good.

17) M: “So long, Joxer. Ditch the broads and double back. I’ll leave the kitchen door open for you.” - This is right before the spoons fall out of her dress.
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