Thursday, January 16, 2014

January 2014: Calendar update

Let's talk about my life a little bit before we bellyflop into this calendar. Look... I'm sorry I've been gone for so long. Shit's happened, which I'll now summarize in list format:
  • My awesome job fired me in September; I've been fabulously unemployed ever since.
  • I'm currently in an equity showcase play, however.
  • And, for the record, my old boss called to hire me back a few days ago. Tempted as I was, I turned him down, because lesbi honest, that job absorbed way too much of my time. Plus, they fucking fired me.
  • I'm still in the same apartment but thinking about moving within the next four months to another in Brooklyn.
  • I like making lists.
I think that about covers it. In short, I'm about to pound out the remainder of Xena as fast as I can, but I'm gonna be realer about it than I was previously. I'm fully aware of how long it took me to review the first two seasons of this magnificent show. 

For the sake of thoroughness, I recently went through every Xena review to reacquaint myself with what I've already done. I made minor corrections, such as mending broken links and adjusting grammatical errors, but nothing changed significantly.

With this play coming up in the next few weeks, I won't be able to generate as many reviews as I'd like, but I'll try my hardest. Make no mistake, though. Right now, my heart sings the song of Xena. I'm so happy to be doing something that really matters to me.

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 Thanks for reading!

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