Saturday, February 17, 2018

Xena: Season 4, Episode 14: "Devi"

"The Exorcist Episode"

Let's face it; it was only a matter of time before the exorcist episode.

The massages this season are out of control. OUT OF CONTROL. This is two episodes in a row and the 3rd or 4th occurrence this season.

Something interesting I noticed at the end of this episode: Eli hugs Xena but not Gabrielle.

SPOILERS: My reviews are full of them! I'll try to note when I'm about to spoil the series by posting [SERIES SPOILER] before said item and [END SPOILER] after. Please don't read the review, unless you've seen the episode under discussion or don't care if I spoil it.

1) X: "Don't get me wrong the gods know I've done stranger things, but yoga's just not for me." G: "That's all right. When you're crippled and old, and I'm doing headstands, I'll remind you of this." X: "Oh, I bet you will." – Cute and funny. Crippled and old? That's gay.

2) Eli: "Well, then, how'd she do it? The demon how'd she cast it out?" X: "I don't know." – I love that Xena thinks about this for a second before answering, almost like she’s sharing the same bewilderment.

3) G: “Xena, something happened to me. And I've been trying to think of how to tell you." X: "What? What happened?" G: "I did it. Xena, I healed someone. A man came to me. He had lost his eye. Xena, I brought back his sight." X: "Gabrielle " – I am a slave to this dialogue.

4) G: "Why don't we travel with you for a while?" Eli: "No, really. I'll be fine." G: "I don't think you should be alone." Eli: "You know? I don't think I am." – Ok, "Jesus."
1) Tat/G: "Ha! Not anymore. [Laughs] An exorcism?! Really, Xena? Now, don't you think that's the pot calling the kettle ? You want me out? You're gonna have to kill this sweet, little body to do it. I don't think you can." X: "Watch me." – Not sure what but there’s something gay in there.

2) X: "I'm warning you, Tataka get out while you still can." Tat/G: "And give up this face? And this firm strong, body? Fat chance!" – Tataka also might be a lesbian teasing Xena ... But she probably knows it's killing Xena to see her girlfriend possessed.

Gabrielle in full-blown Tataka mode reminds me of Siouxsie Sioux of Siouxsie & the Banshees: 


Eli prays to Abba. Well, so do I.

I'm sorry for posting this clip from Conan the Barbarian (1982) for several reasons, among them a camel getting punched, but the segment reminds me of Xena and Gabrielle tooling around the village in "Devi": 

Some sick shit I was listening to the day I watched this beauty:

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