Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Xena: Season 4 Pre-Thoughts

These are Season 4 spoilers, first of all. Know what you're getting into and be warned.


 Now's your chance to save yourself. 

Turn back now. 


First of all, I ask you to suspend your disbelief that I started this reviewing project over five years ago. I can't believe it's taking me this long. I plan to just bang-out the final three seasons, but I guess we'll see, won't we!

Let it be known to all who care about me, that I love this fucking season. Season 3 was amazing, but this one... I am so fucking excited to watch this. Because this, you see, is when the following happens (if i recall correctly):
1) The Amazons and the beginning..
2) Gabrielle comes back to life
3) India
4) A particularly hot henna scene
5) Our girls meet a girl, whom Gabrielle takes a liking to, but the girl is bad
6) Gabrielle and Xena switch into different bodies
7) Gabrielle gets her short hair
8) Gabrielle finds religion
9) Xena breaks her back
10) Gabrielle kills people on purpose
11) Caesar's assassination
12) Xena's and Gabrielle's crucifixions and deaths
In the words of Ariel: "You want dope-ass episodes? I got 22." This season is packed-full of them. And since the last time I saw this was in 2009, I don't remember much about my one and only viewing of Season 4, except that this was when Xena used a whole season to tell a story. And it is beautiful. I can't fucking wait.

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