In the middle of my Saturday, my friend Carla, who doesn't live far from Jolisa, suggested we hang out. I'm still at Jolisa's babysitting her (fucking cute-assed motherfucking) kitten. I hadn't seen Carla in a while, so I was pretty excited and supportive of the get-together. She's a cat-lover like me, so, when she arrived, she tweaked out with kissy face for a while and then we headed to a pretty good Mexican restaurant (scarce in New York City) called Mesa Azteca. This is when our standard hang turned into a Halloween blowout.
"Blow" - Ke$ha
Coincidentally, Mesa Azteca was hosting a Dia de los Muertos dance party/fiesta, so the drinks and dinner menu were a bit limited, but the chow was good and the beats were off the chain. The DJ played house music (Nnts-Nnts-Nnts) such as remixes of Michael Jackson's "Remember the Time" and Ke$ha's "Blow." They actually played "Blow" twice during our meal. Of course I pointed that out and Carla was like, "Who's Kesha?" The point is, the music was loud like a full-blown nightclub inside the humble restaurant of Mesa Azteca.
The hostess was dressed as a sexy pirate and the Phantom of the Opera took our order. After a few margaritas and some serious seated dancing, we stumbled out into the first snow storm of the winter. (Note: heavy snow this early is unusual. The first blizzard is more likely to happen in late November at the soonest.) We made it home after stopping off for beer at a bodega and then decided to hunt for Halloweenish movies on Netflix. We popped popcorn, drank brewskies, gorged on pie, played with the cat, and popped chocolates throughout two ghoulish flicks:
Let the Right One In is a longtime favorite of mine. Its beautiful and compelling. Give it a go and you'll see what I mean, hopefully. During the first 30 minutes of my initial viewing, I thought, "I don't think this movie is for me." By the time it was over, I had to have it; it was so good. As a side note, if I love a movie, I buy it, so if I mention that I own a particular movie, that means it's one of my favorites in the world. I don't keep subpar films in my collection. I'll probably reiterate this detail many times throughout the life of this blog, but there had to be a first time, girl, and this is it. To wrap up the LTROI talk, I usually tell everyone that it's the best vampire movie I've ever seen (after Interview with the Vampire, Lost Boys and Twilight, of course.)
Haunted Honeymoon is written and directed by Gene Wilder, who also stars in the film with Gilda Radner and Dom DeLuise. It's pretty funny. I loved watching it, though I wouldn't say it's the most hilarious movie I've ever seen. I think it's a lot like the movie Clue, which I own (<--!!!) I'm curious to know which one came first, though not curious enough to look it up. HH is a little dated. Clue, on the other hand, is a timeless masterpiece.
Before we settled in for the movies, Carla and I were talking about the similarities between the two songs, "The Look" by Roxette and "U Got the Look" by Prince featuring her royal majesty Sheena Easton. I've posted these two gems below. I can never decide which I love best (probably the Prince one, but Roxette is good, too. Roxette. No, Prince. Roxette. Definitely Roxette.) I do love the chick from Roxette's hair; it kinda reminds me of Gabrielle of Potidaea when her hair was short, but only just. Anyway, whenever I sing these songs, I run a 50/50 chance of randomly belting either one, thinking they're the same song.
"U Got the Look" - Prince
"The Look" - Roxette