Saturday, March 8, 2014

Xena: Season 3, Episode 12: "The Bitter Suite"

"The Bitter Suite"

You guys, seriously…my job, man. Fuck.

OK! So, this is a musical. What can I say. I watched it on Valentines Day, which was approximately three weeks ago. Happy International Women’s Day, by the way. Let’s get started.

Man this episode is awesome. I almost regret to admit that I loved the beginning when Xena and Gabrielle tried to kill each other.
This episode concludes the "Rift Saga." I’ve read stuff where people thought the “Rift Saga” was hard to watch or bad. I loooved the saga. I love anything where there's conflict between Gabrielle and Xena, because this is where we see the truth of their characters and how they feel about each other. Awesome stuff.
I don’t quite subscribe to Gabrielle’s side of the story, though I love her and Xena equally. I think it’s a stretch to say that Dahak was Xena’s fault. Why does it have to be someone’s fault?

A LOT of times the music sounds like Nightmare Before Christmas, whose music was hit or miss for me. Mostly this episode follows the misses.

SPOILERS: My reviews are full of them! I'll try to note when I'm about to spoil the series by posting [SERIES SPOILER] before said item and [END SPOILER] after. Please don't read the review, unless you've seen the episode under discussion or don't care if I spoil it.

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1) Ares: "Nice vocal! But you sure can't dance to it. Look, I feel your pain, OK, but how much longer before you start doing something about it?" X: "My son is dead, ya soul-less bastard!" — The way she says this is hilarious.

2) Ares: "Just goes to prove what I've been telling you all along: no good deed goes unpunished." — Oh my god, did did the writer of Wicked rip this off of Xena??

3) Xena: "You got any better ideas?!" Gabrielle: "You're asking me? Well, that's a first." — God I love the way Gabrielle talks to Xena.

One of the darker points in the music reminds me of the Gravity soundtrack, a movie I'm currently obsesses with. I’m going to play one song in particular here.

Before the musical Wicked created the song "No Good Deed (Goes Unpunished)," Ares was singing it in "The Bitter Suite."

Here are excerpts from my favorite Broadway recordings.
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